The unit price value of Japanese seafood imports hit JPY 666 (€4.95/$5.53), an incredible 44 percent higher than in 2001, when import volumes hit a record high.

In 2014, Japan bought 2.54 million metric tons of seafood from foreign countries, 2 percent more than the previous year. The value of those imports was JPY 1.66 trillion (€12.3 billion/$13.8 billion), up  by 5 percent.

<p> </p> Photo: IFM Images

Japan’s seafood self-suffiency ratio, showing the percentage of food items produced domestically against consumption, stood at 60 percent in 2014, down substantially from its record high of 113 percent in 1964, but has since been stable in a percentage range between the high 50s and low 60s as domestic production and import volumes have declined in parallel.

IntraFish's 44 page Japanese Seafood Market report contains all the key stats and analysis you need to do business in the lucrative Japanese seafood market, along with indepth profiles of the country's 20 biggest seafood companies.

To find out detailed information on what the report contains and to buy your copy today, click here.