The world's top aquaculture feed companies have been ramping up their feed research in recent years, as traditional marine ingredients increase in price.

And algae is proving the most interesting potential source according to several top feed company execs speaking to IntraFish for our latest report.

"Omega 3 from algal sources, particularly autotrophic algae using CO2 as an energy source," is the ingredient that Marine Harvest Feed COO Ben Hadfield sees as most promising.

And Biomar Group Sustainabilty Manager Vidar Gundersen agrees. "I see tailor made ingredients from fermentation by microorganisms as very promising," he said.

"This might solve the limited supply of some key raw materials. Of special interest are marine omega-3 oils by microalgae, but also bio-protein from fermented bacteria is promising."

To find out more about ingredient alternatives, how top execs think they should be used and to read profiles of the top 10 aquaculture feed producers, read our latest mini report, Aquaculture Feed Ingredients 2015.