R&O Seafood Gastronomy

Sales 2015: €248 million*

Sales 2014: €248 million

Sales 2013: $367 million

Key Executives: Patrick Reynaud, chairman; Mathias Ismail, CEO

1, avenue des Savoies
Paris International Market of Rungis
94150 Rungis, France
Phone: +33 1 45 12 71 71

Employees: 1,250 employees

Company type: Private

Major brands/ subsidiaries: OSO, Reynaud (Groupe Atlantys), La Perle Blanche

R&O was born in January 2010 when one of France’s leading seafood distributors, Groupe Atlantys-owned Reynaud, decided to merge with the Madagascan shrimp farmer OSO.

The union of the two companies came about through years of cooperation.
