Whole Foods pausing purchasing of Maine lobster as a result of MSC, Seafood Watch actions

The Amazon-owned retailer's decision raises the specter of other buyers following suit and dropping the shellfish.

Whole Foods told IntraFish Friday that it would stop purchasing Maine lobster until it had its Marine Stewardship Council certification back, or a higher rating from the Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch program.
Whole Foods told IntraFish Friday that it would stop purchasing Maine lobster until it had its Marine Stewardship Council certification back, or a higher rating from the Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch program.Photo: Amazon/Whole Foods
Published 18 November 2022, 19:02Updated 18 November 2022, 20:01
LobsterRetailFoodserviceSeafood WatchMonterey Bay Aquarium