As novel ingredients hunt for scale, partnerships become increasingly important

Cost and carbon footprint decrease with scale, making partnerships critical to the capital-intensive sector, executives said.

Nutreco Director of Venturing Erik Tveteraas, Innovafeed CBO Nizar El Alami, Calysta Vice President, Aquaculture Lead Allan LeBlanc, Nofima CEO Oyvind Fylling-Jensen and Houdek CEO Mark Luecke discussed feed during Blue Innovation Summit in London.
Nutreco Director of Venturing Erik Tveteraas, Innovafeed CBO Nizar El Alami, Calysta Vice President, Aquaculture Lead Allan LeBlanc, Nofima CEO Oyvind Fylling-Jensen and Houdek CEO Mark Luecke discussed feed during Blue Innovation Summit in London.Photo: intrafish
Published 5 June 2023, 05:00Updated 1 February 2024, 14:55
NutrecoCargillInnovafeedMowiAlternative feed