These futuristic salmon farming concepts could radically reshape the aquaculture sector. Here's where the projects stand

All in all, 102 development permits were issued between 2016 and 2020. And even though many have not started yet, withdrawing the permits is not in the cards.

Leroy Seafood Group wanted to test its Pipefarm concept at three different locations along the coast. The project is one of 20 that have been given the green light to farm fish by the Norwegian government.
Leroy Seafood Group wanted to test its Pipefarm concept at three different locations along the coast. The project is one of 20 that have been given the green light to farm fish by the Norwegian government.
Published 13 November 2020, 19:55Updated 17 November 2020, 21:28
Norway Development LicensesNorwayFarmed salmonSalMarMowi