US lawmakers introduce another measure aimed at foreign shrimp producers

The bill is designed to stop the US government from providing aid to foreign shrimp producers through international financial institutions.

High fuel prices and record low shrimp prices paid to them have left American shrimp harvesters unable to leave the port, causing suffering and hardship to shrimp harvesters and communities that rely on them, the US industry claims.
High fuel prices and record low shrimp prices paid to them have left American shrimp harvesters unable to leave the port, causing suffering and hardship to shrimp harvesters and communities that rely on them, the US industry claims.Photo: Southern Shrimp Alliance
Published 10 April 2024, 19:25Updated 10 April 2024, 20:12
Southern Shrimp AllianceFarmed shrimpAntidumpingEcuadorThailand