Parlevliet and Van der Plas-owned seafood processor shuts down, Dutch auctioneer reports

High salmon prices contributed to the demise of Netherlands-based processor Profish, according to the auction site that will sell the company's inventory.

The high price of salmon, which accounted for 80 percent of Profish's volumes, was cited by its general manager as a reason for the company's demise, Dutch auction site Troostwijk Auctions reported. The picture is not related to the article.
The high price of salmon, which accounted for 80 percent of Profish's volumes, was cited by its general manager as a reason for the company's demise, Dutch auction site Troostwijk Auctions reported. The picture is not related to the article.
Published 31 October 2024, 12:17Updated 31 October 2024, 15:11
Parlevliet & Van der PlasBankruptciesThe NetherlandsFarmed Salmon PricesFarmed salmon