NGOs turn up heat on Trident, Sysco, High Liner over forced labor allegations

The companies pledged to investigate their supply chains following a sweeping investigation from the nonprofit Outlaw Ocean Project.

The Outlaw Ocean Project revealed evidence of forced labor of Uyghurs workers transferred from the Xinjiang Uyghur region to seafood processing factories in the Shandong province of China that have supplied US companies as well as the US government.
The Outlaw Ocean Project revealed evidence of forced labor of Uyghurs workers transferred from the Xinjiang Uyghur region to seafood processing factories in the Shandong province of China that have supplied US companies as well as the US government.Photo: Shutterstock
Published 13 July 2024, 00:17Updated 13 July 2024, 00:20
Outlaw Ocean ProjectSlaveryUyghursForced laborChina