Mike Cohen, deputy chief executive of the National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations, will take over as chief executive in April, the organization announced on Monday.

Cohen, who led the Holderness Fishing Industry Group for seven years, has a legal and science background. He previously served as chairman of the NFFO for two years between 2016-2018.

The appointment was ratified at a recent meeting of the NFFO’s executive committee. Current CEO Barrie Deas will retire at the end of April. In the interim, Cohen will continue as deputy chief executive.

NFFO was established in 1977 during the negotiations for the 1983 Common Fisheries Policy agreement. Deas has spent 38 years with the federation, 26 as chief executive.

Initially, centered on the northeast of England with a few outposts on the west and south coasts, NFFO’s membership was extended to cover the whole of the English coast, Welsh coast, Northern Ireland and the Channel Isles.

The internationalization of the fleets means the federation’s membership also embraces vessels with Anglo Dutch, Anglo Spanish and Anglo-Icelandic ownership.

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