Kjell Inge Rokke's Aker Biomarine appoints SVP to lead the group’s entry into pharmaceuticals

He will develop and drive growth outside of the company’s core supplement segment, with a focus on pharmaceutical and medical food applications.

Based out of the United States, seasoned biotechnology and pharmaceutical executive Douglas Hicks will take on the role of developing new product segments for Aker BioMarine’s Lysoveta, a new krill-based LPC-EPA/DHA delivery platform.
Based out of the United States, seasoned biotechnology and pharmaceutical executive Douglas Hicks will take on the role of developing new product segments for Aker BioMarine’s Lysoveta, a new krill-based LPC-EPA/DHA delivery platform.Foto: Aker Biomarine
Published 28 May 2021, 17:03Updated 1 June 2021, 12:17
Aker BiomarineKjell Inge RokkeKrillUnited StatesMatts Johansen