Jan-Emil Johannessen, head of aquaculture genetics company Benchmark Genetics, is retiring from his role after 10 years with the company.

He will be replaced by Geir Olav Melingen, currently commercial director for salmon at Benchmark, who will take over the position on June 1.

Geir Olav Melingen, currently commercial director for salmon at Benchmark, will take over the reins. Photo: Benchmark Genetics

Over the past 10 years, Johannessen oversaw the construction of Benchmark Genetics's facility in Salten, Norway; the company's expansion in Iceland; the recent establishment of Benchmark Genetics Chile; as well as taking Benchmark Genetics into new species such as shrimp and tilapia.

Melingen has experience from leading roles in the aquaculture industry, including at MSD as CEO of Fishguard and CEO of the Bergen Aquarium.

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