The following letter was sent to IntraFish by Wally Stevens, Chair of the Global Aquaculture Alliance, in response to the column "Why are these people representing the aquaculture industry," written by Executive Editor John Fiorillo.

I am extremely disappointed to read your article today about who should and should not be the spokespersons for aquaculture in that it disrespects good men and women by name who are, or have served as panelists at this upcoming event.

As you well know, there are events almost every week where the topic of aquaculture or fisheries involves invited panelists, and those panelists likely were asked because of the nature of the event. I am proud that we get to hear from a variety of panelists, as in many cases these women and men are the next generation of our industry.

But to suggest that you are best to identify those who should and those who should not be spokespeople is uncalled for, and to the extent it disparages those named as inferior it disparages you as well.

I think an apology is in order.