The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reported that shrimp imports suspected of containing banned antibiotics made up 8 percent of all seafood import rejections in September, reported Perishable News.

The year's total number for shrimp import rejections "related to veterinary drug resides" is up by 9 percent compared to last year.

This month's rejected shrimp mainly came from Indian shrimp exporter West Coast Frozen Foods, along with one from Vietnamese shrimp company Minh Phu.

Traces of salmonella were also found on the rejected shrimp from West Coast Frozen Foods.

The FDA in July refused entry to three shrimp lines from China and Vietnam due to banned antibiotics usage. Through the first seven months of 2019, FDA shrimp refusals total 50, compared to 53 all of last year and 55 in all of 2017.