IntraFish Editor-in-Chief Drew Cherry, Executive Editor John Fiorillo and Reporter Rachel Sapin were all about Alaska pollock in this week's podcast.

As the traditionally production-focused industry works to reshape the image and markets for the fish, it's launched a slew of initiatives, both on the company level, and industry-wide. Will it work?

You can listen below, or better yet -- take us with you by subscribing on iTunes , Google Play, Soundcloud or Spotify.

Listen to our previous episodes here:

Who's afraid of artificial seafood?

Saudi salmon farming, Q2 money-makers, and Skretting's search for the next big thing

Aquaculture's latest tech, exuberant salmon investors and the promise of fecal feed

The world's seafood companies are bigger than you think

Let them eat worms? Solutions to salmon nematodes remain elusive

Brexit can't stop the beating heart of UK seafood