American media company Netflix is launching a new drama based on the Norwegian salmon farming industry.

Production company Rubicon is behind the production, and the series, called "Salmon Island" will be directed by Norwegian director Marit Moum Aune.

In the series, viewers will follow two families in a small coastal community who are sworn enemies in the global salmon industry.

The show aims to deliver a funny and dramatic portrait of the fish farming business in Norway.

“Over the last few decades, fish farming has changed both the Norwegian coast and international food culture. The time feels right for a television drama about the industry," Netflix said in a statement announcing the series.

Netflix is no stranger to Norway. Ten years ago, it created the series “Lilyhammer,” which starred Steven Van Zandt from American crime drama “Sopranos” as a retired mobster in rural Norway.

The first episode of Lilyhammer, which premiered in 2013, attracted 922,000 viewers in Norway alone.

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