Norway annihilates previous seafood export records, but distribution challenges prey on profits

The coronavirus pandemic impacted everything from trading patterns to transport and the flow of goods. And some species fared better than others.

“We must however be careful when interpreting ‘export growth' as ‘increased profitability’ for everyone. Challenges with market access and increased costs related to operations, purchasing and distribution led to lower margins in parts of the industry last year,” said Norwegian Seafood Council CEO Renate Larsen.
“We must however be careful when interpreting ‘export growth' as ‘increased profitability’ for everyone. Challenges with market access and increased costs related to operations, purchasing and distribution led to lower margins in parts of the industry last year,” said Norwegian Seafood Council CEO Renate Larsen.Photo: Marius Fiskum
Published 6 January 2022, 06:01Updated 6 January 2022, 08:49
NorwayNorway Seafood CouncilRenate LarsenPaul AandahlMackerel