‘Vexatious ... frivolous ... farfetched’: Samherji CEO denies involvement in cash-for-quotas scandal as trial nears

Icelandic fisheries magnate Thorsteinn Mar Baldvinsson placed any alleged corruption and wrongdoing at the feet of whistleblower Johannes Stefansson.

Thorsteinn Mar Baldvinsson asserts that he was never involved in, knew of, or even suspected that Stefansson was involved in corrupt deals or was involving any of the Namibian companies in corrupt deals while he was employed by the Samherji group.
Thorsteinn Mar Baldvinsson asserts that he was never involved in, knew of, or even suspected that Stefansson was involved in corrupt deals or was involving any of the Namibian companies in corrupt deals while he was employed by the Samherji group.Foto: Samherji
Published 3 June 2021, 05:46Updated 16 June 2021, 16:55
SamherjiThorsteinn Mar BaldvinssonSamherji ScandalFishrotJohannes Stefansson