Invasion? Unwanted pink salmon popping up in new areas in greater abundance as fish navigate warming oceans

Pink salmon are 'increasing in abundance in the northern Pacific Ocean, are accessing the Arctic Ocean, and have been rapidly expanding across the eastern Atlantic Ocean in recent years.'

In Norway and other parts of the world, a climate-driven burgeoning of Pacific pink salmon populations is causing concern in places where the fish are not native and are considered an invasive species.
In Norway and other parts of the world, a climate-driven burgeoning of Pacific pink salmon populations is causing concern in places where the fish are not native and are considered an invasive species.Photo: Vestre Jakobselv jeger- og fiskerforening
Published 25 August 2023, 03:00Updated 28 August 2023, 16:52
Alaska salmonPink salmonNorwayRussiaBritish Columbia