As demand for fish oil increases, Corbion sees big potential for its fast-growing algae oil business

The industry should view algae alternatives as an affordable, sustainable source of omega-3, which plays on a different cost basis than fish oil, executive tells IntraFish.

“We were a relative outsider in 2020 but in the meantime, we have become part of the industry with established relationships," said Ruud Peerbooms, President of Algae Ingredients, at Corbion.
“We were a relative outsider in 2020 but in the meantime, we have become part of the industry with established relationships," said Ruud Peerbooms, President of Algae Ingredients, at Corbion.Photo: Corbion
Published 14 July 2023, 04:00Updated 14 July 2023, 12:47
Fish oilCorbionAlgae oilAlternative feedOmega-3s