Macduff Shellfish Group

Station Rd, Mintlaw

Peterhead, Aberdeenshire

AB42 5EE, Scotland

United Kingdom

Phone: +44 17-71-62-40-00


Company type: Public (via Clearwater Seafoods)

Key investors: Clearwater Seafoods

Brands: Macduff

Macduff Shellfish Group key executives

Euan Beaton, president

Roy Cunningham, COO and vice president

Craig Sigut, general manager

Macduff Shellfish Group’s principal activity is the sale of shellfish to the United Kingdom, Eurozone countries, other European countries and the Far East.

The company, which has been fishing for more than 130 years, is focused on four main species -- wild scallops, langoustines, crabs and whelks.