Amoebic gill disease (AGD)
  • AGD is caused by the amoebae Paramoeba perurans
  • Paramoeba perurans and AGD were first detected in Norwegian farmed salmon in 2006. Since 2012, the amoeba has caused significant losses for the industry in Norway
  • AGD occurs in farmed fish in salt water, primarily in Atlantic salmon, but has been detected in other farmed species such as rainbow trout, turbot and roe
  • The two main risk factors for AGD outbreaks are stated to be high salinity and relatively high seawater temperature
  • Pathological findings are limited to the gills, where white, slimy patches can be seen with the naked eye

There is a new method of treatment for salmon infected with amoebic gill disease (AGD) that will be milder on both fish and the environment compared to existing methods, according to Norwegian seafood research agency Nofima.