Norwegian cod farmer widens losses ahead of merger with whitefish group

But the company says it is implementing 'extensive changes' in its future plans.

Gustave Brun-Lie CEO of Statt Torsk and Brynjar Kværnstuen, CEO of Vesterålen Havbruk. The picture was taken at Fiska in Norway, where Statt Torsk has its production at sea.
Gustave Brun-Lie CEO of Statt Torsk and Brynjar Kværnstuen, CEO of Vesterålen Havbruk. The picture was taken at Fiska in Norway, where Statt Torsk has its production at sea.Photo: Pressefoto
Published 1 November 2023, 04:30Updated 1 November 2023, 04:30
Atlantic codFarmed codStatt TorskNorwayEarnings