Alternative feed producer targets commercial scale with new funding round

By 2027, the company aims to have a full-scale facility capable of producing 5,000-10,000 metric tons annually, a NoMy executive told IntraFish.

The company appointed Erik Tveteraas as its CFO in August 2024. Tveteraas joined from Nutreco, the parent company of feed provider Skretting, where he led the company's strategic investment and innovation arm, NuFrontiers.
The company appointed Erik Tveteraas as its CFO in August 2024. Tveteraas joined from Nutreco, the parent company of feed provider Skretting, where he led the company's strategic investment and innovation arm, NuFrontiers.Photo: Norwegian Mycelium
Published 17 October 2024, 18:05Updated 17 October 2024, 18:05
SkrettingAlternative feedInvestmentsKatapult OceanNutreco